Universal Regulator Board

I have just published my design for a Universal Regulator Board in the Non-AVR Projects section. The idea behind it was that I was using much the same power supply for the majority of my projects, a 7805 and associated components. I thought it would be a good idea to design a PCB that could be configured to accommodate any of the 78XX devices and also the 78(X)XX devices (i.e. 78L05).

Universal Regulator Board v1.0 Gerblook Front

Universal Regulator Board v1.0 Gerblook.org Front

It features a polarity protection diode on the input, an optional power LED fed from the output and a snap-off heatsink support. Having built and tested one I found the snap-off to be a little stronger than I had imagined! However, it’s still functional.

I have already begun designing a new version with capability for more regulation devices. This will be released once fabricated by my favorite PCB fabrication house, www.hackvana.com, and tested but to whet your appetite:

Universal Regulator Board v1.1 Eagle Preview

Universal Regulator Board v1.1 Eagle Preview

This new version will be configurable for 78(X)XX, LM1117T and LM317 Variable Voltage regulators.

Another up and coming project is an AVR/Z80 Hybrid board. I’ve been a fan of the original Z80 microprocessor since the 80s when I used to program/hack and generally muck around with Sinclair Spectrums. For a goodly while now, I’ve had an itch to do some Z80 machine code programming just like in ‘The Old Days’ so I designed a board that accommodates a Z80 with 32Kb of SRAM, supervised by an Atmega1284.

Z80-Arduino Hybrid v1.01 Gerblook.org Front

Z80-Arduino Hybrid v1.01 Gerblook.org Front

The board includes a power light, an M1 indicator to show the Z80 running, reset switches for both the AVR and Z80 and an 8-bit output port for testing. This is very much a prototype and won’t be published on this site, however, if it proves to be successful, I have plans to double the SRAM and give the board a ‘proper’ expansion port. That design, if successful, will be published along with some sort of basic I/O expansion.

Initially, the AVR will have Z80 binary hard-coded into it so that when the board starts up, the AVR will suspend the Z80 with it’s /WAIT line, load the SRAM with the binary, assert the Z80’s /RESET line, drop the /WAIT and then drop the /RESET releasing the Z80 to run through the code in the SRAM. That’s the plan anyway.

Stay tuned…

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